Saturday 18 May 2013

Sri Aman, Sarawak

Sri Aman is a market town and port, and the capital of Sri Aman District and Sri Aman Division in Sarawak, east Malaysia.
Sri Aman is also called Bandar Sri Aman, and was formerly known as Simanggang. Sri Aman means "town of peace" in the Malay language. Located on the Lupar River, it is 193 kilometers, a three-hour drive, from Kuching, the capital of Sarawak. It is a trade center for the timber, oil palm, rubber, and pepper of its mostly agricultural district.
Sri Aman is famous for the benak, or tidal bore, of the Batang Lupar River. The tidal bore comes in from the river mouth and fills up the river very rapidly in the course of about 10 minutes. The wave crest at Sri Aman is up to 2 to 3 metres high. This is one of approximately 400 rivers and estuaries in the world where this phenomenon happens. There is a timetable at the river which has the time and dates for when the tidal bore will occur, but the really big ones occur only a couple of times a year. The author Somerset Maugham almost lost his life at Simanggang during one of these tidal bores, and commemorated the event in his short story Yellow Streak.
Sri Aman is also a gateway for tourists to the Batang Ai National Park, and cultural tours to the Iban longhouses along the rivers.

Kuching, Sarawak

Kuching Waterfront is located along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman in downtown Kuching Selatan. This landscaped esplanade along the southern bank of Sungai Sarawak starts from the area fronting Crowne Plaza Riverside and The Riverbank Suites, and ends somewhere before the Kuching Wet Market.

There are a number of unique characteristics that have made the Kuching Waterfront as popular as it is today. Opened in 1993, it is regarded as one of the best examples of urban regeneration and rehabilitation projects in Asia.

The Waterfront is also known as The People Place mainly because the project was apt dedicated for the lovely people of Sarawak, especially those in Kuching, who certainly deserve a world-class attraction.

There are a number of sights to be enjoyed from the Waterfront. At the various jetties along the path, you can witness the unique sampans crossing the width of the river to the other side. There are plenty of eating places, most of them are opened only at night, the Sarawak Steamship shopping bazaar selling mostly handicrafts, an old fortified prison called the Square Tower which has been repainted, two multi-level gazebos that give rise to a great view of the city skyline as well as the Waterfront itself, and across the river are the official residence of the head of state of Sarawak as well as Fort Margherita, a well-preserved colonial citadel.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Adobe Ilustrator

Ni hasil adobe ilustrator plak..


Sebelum ni, peserta semua di ajar cara membuat poster menggunakan adobe photoshop.. so, inilah hasil nya..


inilah komponen asas basikal


best ke tak best kalau hujan.

Hujan merupakan kerpasan cecair, berlawanan dengan jenis kerpasan bukan cecair seperti salji, hujan batu dan hujan ais. Hujan terbentuk apabila titik air yang terpisah jatuh ke bumi dari awan. Bukan semua air hujan sampai ke permukaan bumi, sesetengahnya terpeluwap ketika jatuh melalui udara kering, sejenis kerpasan yang dikenali sebagai virga

Hujan memainkan peranan penting dalam kitaran hidrologi di mana kelembapan dari laut terpeluwap, bertukar menjadi awan, terkumpul menjadi awan, jatuh kembali ke bumi, dan akhirnya kembali ke laut melalui sungai dan anak sungai untuk mengulangi kitaran itu semula.

Design Blog

Hari ni, kitaorg belajar buat blog.. dah jadi blogger dah pengajar2 ni semua.. yahooo

blog ni, citer dia design.. so ini lah dia design tu.

Reka bentuk biasa diterjemahkan sebagai seni terapan, seni bina, dan berbagai pencapaian kreatif lainnya. Dalam sebuah kalimat, kata "reka bentuk" boleh digunakan baik sebagai kata nama mahupun kata kerja. Sebagai kata kerja, "reka bentuk" memiliki erti "proses untuk membuat dan menciptakan objek baru". Sebagai kata nama, "reka bentuk" digunakan untuk menyebut hasil akhir dari sebuah proses kreatif, sama ada sebagai sebuah rencana, kertas kerja, persembahan, permodelan atau berbentuk objek nyata.
Proses perekaan pada umumnya memperhitungkan aspek fungsi, estetika dan berbagai macam aspek lainnya, yang biasanya datanya didapatkan dari kajian, pemikiran, perah otak, mahupun dari reka bentuk yang sudah ada sebelumnya.